Welcome to World of Warcraft Drama.
In a game with 7 millon plus players, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Hell, in any gathering of two or more people, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Even in this constant stream, however, there are some dramas that rise above to become known throughout the WoWsphere. They become… Classic WoW Drama.

dinsdag 26 juni 2007

Remember to devote time to your friends outside of Azeroth, especially the one you sleep with

Soley asks over in a Livejournal post (locked, but can be seen with a membership in the community):

Let’s say you pissed off your girlfriend enough that she went and deleted your main. Once you get the toon restored you realize that you’re armorless, weaponless & goldless. What, in your experience would be the best way to go about earning some quick money/gear?

Just curious because it just happened to me.

100 plus comments later, some sage advice emerges:

“What a whore. I don’t care how mad my boyfriend and I get at each other, we know full well you don’t fuck with each others toons.”

“Dude, if she’s sadistic enough to do that to you, dump her ass.”

“I don’t know what to suggest that doesn’t involve duct tape and a taser.”

“Type /girlfriendquit

If this is how she is now, forget long-term.”


In the form of 0s and 1s.

If that is more important than a relationship, I don’t know what to say.”

And then it gets blown up onto the general forums (now deleted), and the livejournal “stupid free” community for 400+ comments. WoW, truly, is srs bizness.

“stupid free” choice quotes:

“Sweet gods of fuckery, the number of people calling “dump the whore” there are frightening.

Makes me glad me and the Beloved Hubby know when to step back from the WoW and actually talk…”

“The number of people who are like “WHAT A SKANKY MEAN BITCH, YOU DON’T DO THAT SHIT TO SOMEONE” and then in the same breath are like, “YOU SHOULD POST HER NUDES OR SOMETHING” make me wonder if some people EVER get away from their computers.”

“What a bunch of socially inept retards. It’s nice WoW is more important than tappin’ that ass. My boyfriend is completely obsessed with Socom but he knows having a real life and getting pussy is more important than a fucking video game.”

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