Welcome to World of Warcraft Drama.
In a game with 7 millon plus players, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Hell, in any gathering of two or more people, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Even in this constant stream, however, there are some dramas that rise above to become known throughout the WoWsphere. They become… Classic WoW Drama.

dinsdag 16 januari 2007

Levelling to 70 as fast as humanly possible…OR ELSE

Chitsu, from Six Feet Deep on Dragonmaw, takes the levelling of his guild just a tad too seriously.

All members of the guild are expected to level to 70 as fast as humanly possible.

If you want to “experience the content” please do so after you have reached 70, or on another character.

Here is how we will be leveling:

You will log in to the game, and look for an officer. One of the officers will assign you to a 5 man group. The 5 man group will run the appropriate instance level over and over again until someone has to leave, at which point, an officer will assign a replacement.

No questing
No BGs
No ‘grinding solo’
No Tradeskills
No “farming”
No “Checking out the new races”

If you are online, you will be expected to participate in one of the groups running 5 man instances.

The only exceptions to this will be if there are not enough people for you to group with, etc. There will be PLENTY of off-hours downtime to goof off if you wish, but during prime-time, I swear to Thrall I will /gkick your ass if you are screwing around with stupid #%*! instead of participating in the leveling grind.

He gets roundly mocked, as well deserved, but never seems to admit that he could possibly be the one at fault.

Especially funny are his comments about fairness being the reason behind this nazi-levelling regime: “Having the officers assign groups is the best way to assure balance, and the best way to avoid little cliques forming and causing people to be left out,” and that “SFD members are treated more like prized athletes than kids. It’s my job to provide clear direction and focus so that our team is all on the same page working toward the same goal. It’s called leadership.”

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