Welcome to World of Warcraft Drama.
In a game with 7 millon plus players, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Hell, in any gathering of two or more people, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Even in this constant stream, however, there are some dramas that rise above to become known throughout the WoWsphere. They become… Classic WoW Drama.

woensdag 16 mei 2007

Drama Contest voting

Because Kingfox is lazy, evil and wishes me ill, I have taken it upon myself to collate votes for the drama contest we had a while back, so as to distribute these gamecards burning a hole in our pockets:

The three posts we received are:

1. Raid leader ninjas guild.

2. Kids crying over loot.

3. Guild drama.

Please send an email with either 1, 2 or 3 in the header of the email to baxdrama@gmail.com to vote for your favorite.

EDIT: Voting finishes midnight EST, Friday May 18, or whenever I decide to cut you off, whichever comes first.

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