Welcome to World of Warcraft Drama.
In a game with 7 millon plus players, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Hell, in any gathering of two or more people, drama of some type is inevitable, and usually constant. Even in this constant stream, however, there are some dramas that rise above to become known throughout the WoWsphere. They become… Classic WoW Drama.

maandag 7 mei 2007

While we were gone: The Good, pt. 1: More Elitemaiden

We may have been sitting idle, posting-wise, but we’re always on the lookout for LOLz. Our resident artist has drawn us some emo characters to pretty up the mainpage. Both the emo undead and emo Night Elf show that WoW, truly, is serious business.

On with the show. Drama, like rust, never sleeps.

Just like a Spaghetti Western, there’s the good, bad and ugly of WoW drama.

We’re gonna start with the Good: Elitemaiden, whom we’ve chronicled here before, creates some meta-drama in the comments of our post about her.

“So why are you guys swallowing all this cow dung anyways?

Who is crazy? Is it not this person who’s real life is DESTROYED by wow or an epic mage who you all troll because your lives have no meaning?”

-Elitemaiden exclusively.

There’s all sorts of other gems in them thar comments, too - two levels of meta-drama, those directly involving Elitemaiden, and those not:

For whit, level 1:

“Hey meta

You are nothing but a gutless prick. Seriously what you have said goes beyond reproach.

ANd who the hell are you to decide what should go punished and unpunished. You seriously sicken me with this retoric of yours.

If you read this again, and I hope you do, I hope you think about what you have done. I hope you think about the criomes that you have commited.

You won you reckon? The only thing you won metazare is nothing more than having the distinction of being a blight on society”


“Arkell, blow off. How dare you acuse of bullying people on Hyjal. The only fault that was made was not realizing earlier that you couldn’t hack it with the rest of us. So how bout you get out from behind Elitemaidens piss flaps and be a man by droppin this peddly crap about Meta and how you hate him so much. Grow a sack, fill it with some balls, and move on. I had no issues with you, but when you attack Krieg and everyone in it, well then I take offense to that. P.O.P.”


And level 2:

“That’s really kind of funny considering you ruined Atala’s life flirting with him every day. I think when he found out you were in fact a married adulteress, he finally quit wow.”

-The EM herself, to Desideria

But the best was yet to come…

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